About Elevated Access

Elevated Access was launched in 2022 in response to the extreme healthcare bans being enacted in state legislatures.

We are a non-profit organization that enables people to access healthcare by providing flights on private planes at no cost. Our volunteer pilot network transports clients seeking abortion or gender-affirming care across the United States.

Most people in the United States are within thirty miles of an air strip; at least one small airport with a single runway. The aviation community has been volunteering to provide “angel flights” for cancer patients, victims of natural disasters, and domestic violence survivors for decades. Unfortunately, today there is a growing need for folks to access additional types of assistance. Individuals are facing challenges to their bodily autonomy all over this country. And for those seeking health services, it can mean days of travel, time and wages lost from work, time away from families where they are the primary caregiver, and other significant financial investments. We don’t like that we need to exist, but we know that we can help.

Whether it’s abortion or gender-affirming care, Elevated Access is here to ease the burden and provide transportation for folks to receive life-saving healthcare.


We enable individuals to access essential healthcare through private and commercial aviation. Our network of volunteer pilots are matched with and provide transportation for passengers and resources to aid people in need of reproductive or gender-affirming care. We do this through careful coordination with organizational partners and logistical coordinators.


  • Bodily Autonomy
    Every individual must have the authority to decide what is necessary for their own body. Plain and simple.

  • Access as a Right
    Everyone deserves access to healthcare such as abortion and gender-affirming care.

  • Healthcare Saves Lives
    We believe that healthcare is life-saving, despite what some political or religious beliefs might attest.

  • Patriotism
    Our work is proudly rooted in the American tenet of “liberty and justice for all.” By enabling individual freedom, we are actively reclaiming this virtue daily.

  • Combatting Systems of Oppression
    Our client base is composed of people who are disadvantaged and possess limited means, especially People of Color. By providing practical support, we are doing our part to achieve a more equitable society.

  • Community
    Whether you are part of our network of pilots who share a belief in the cause, one of our partners who do the important work of connecting us to clients and the larger cultural networks, or are like-minded folk who support our work, we appreciate the power in community.

  • Human Centered
    At the core of everything we do is a living, breathing person. We prioritize the needs of the individual above all else, for our clients, our employees, and our volunteers.