
Want to use your pilot’s license to assist people with the freedom to make private health care decisions?

We are actively recruiting volunteer pilots to join our network and expand our reach. If you want to help people access abortion healthcare and gender-affirming care, you can join us in our mission by flying your plane.

Types of Missions

  1. Scheduled point-to-point
    These flights help someone travel between a specific departure and destination on a specific date. Sometimes the pilot may also fly the passenger back to their point of departure. These are common in other volunteer pilot organizations.

  2. Long-distance relay
    Some services are only available at specialized facilities at just a few locations in the country. This creates a need to travel a great distance which often necessitates coordinating multiple pilots with their own airplanes to complete the journey.

Pilot Requirements

In order to fly with us, we have to make sure you and your airplane are both legal and safe to fly. Even if you do not have access to a plane or do not meet the minimum hours, you should still contact us. Some pilots want someone to fly with them to help with spotting traffic and working the radio.

Additional Requirements:

  • Must be 21 years of age or older

  • Be current with a minimum of 200 hours of pilot in command time

  • Proof of insurance

  • Copy of most recent logbook entry for flight review or WINGS phase

  • Complete the AOPA Public Benefit Flying online course

  • Meet FAA minimums for flight status and currency

  • Notify Elevated Access immediately if any of these items changes

In addition to making sure you are a safe pilot, we also have a vetting process to ensure that you are aligned with our goals and will make our passengers feel safe and supported.