
Your donation helps us reach more people.

We are a relatively new 501(c)3 non-profit which means for us that we are spending money to get everything setup including legal expenses, our website, and our IT systems. Besides start-up costs, we also have ongoing expenses to communicate, manage our relationships with pilots and access organizations, and track our workflows.

As a 501(c)3 charitable non-profit, we are also working on a program to to reimburse qualified pilots for their fuel costs, the most expensive part of flying.

Besides our website, you can also support us via Benevity, Tiltify, ActBlue, and PayPal. You can also send us money indirectly to us by purchasing Elevated Access logo gear from Redbubble.

Donate by check:

Elevated Access
PO Box 6806
Champaign, IL 61826

FEIN 88-1949758